Saturday, October 1, 2011

So About my life.

I'm thinking I may not be a fashion designer anymore. BUT I AM THINKING ABOUT BEING A FASHION JOURNALIST. :D

Monday, September 26, 2011

what makes you think that you can be a fashion designer?

Well its not about "thinking i can being a fashion designer." I mean, i do think i can, but its because I believe in myself. What matters is that I go after my dream, and do what makes me happy. Thats what I care about, designing because it makes me happy. My BIGGEST goal in life is to do whatever makes me happy. that should be yours too! :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New blog

Hi guys... I am still keeping this blog but am also going to be posting on the tumblr I made. I still need this because I can't get on tumblr at school and I often post when I'm at lunch. Anyway, still check this one. If I don't post in a little while just check tumblr. Follow me!!!!!
Here it is!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fashion: Creative thoughts!

Prom is close and for those of you who are looking for a prom dress, HERES A AWESOME IDEA! This dress is similar to the newspaper dress but its made out of DORITOS BAGS! Amazing right? I would so wear this to my prom! Plus, look at the sleeves! How awesome are the swiggley straps?

Tell me what YOU think!!! Would you ever wear this?? To prom?

Fashion: A Picture from, Spring Dresses

Hey guys! Ironic that I'm posting spring clothing here right now because in Philly, its SNOWING! Crazy right? I hate it! Anyway, spring should be here, and it will be soon. A huge thing this season is going to be floral dresses, especially sun dresses! When it is still to cool to wear a sleeveless dress, wear a cardigan with it! It will go perfect if you have the right colors! Good LUCK!!!!!! 

Leave comments and Ideas!! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Style: Pretty Little Liars- Aria Montgomery

Hi guys! So I know that I love PLL (Pretty Little Liars)! Its SO addicting and amazing! Anyway I love Lucy Hale (who plays Aria) and Aria is my favorite. She is also my favorite with the great fashion on the show. I didn't watch the Spring Final yet SO DON'T TELL ME! Anyway I love aria's style because its so unique! Just look at this Outfit! Every week, ABC family puts a new style story up from the episode! Go to
for more. 

Tell Me what you think in Comments!!! :)